The Boyd Family | Mount Joy, PA Family Session

Every new season brings a splendid reason for me and the Boyds to get together! This Fall, Annabell turns two and Rosalie celebrates her six-month milestone! It has been such a joy watching this family grow and seeing each of their personalities start to really shine. The Boyd girls keep me on my toes and can easily make me laugh! Even though it took some time for the littlest one to warm up for the camera, by the end of our session she was all smiles! I couldn't help but be amused by her frown, it was though she was purposely doing it to see how loud and goofy I could be to make her smile! Li'l stinker... I can only imagine the words she'll have for me and my camera in a few short years! Haha, I love it! Until then, enjoy these little beauties as they are- silly, sweet, and oh so adorable in coordinating outfits!