New Year, New Blog!

'Start a blog' has been on my to-do list for many months… more months than I have fingers to count! I am like most people in that when a new year arrives, I think about the year that just ended and "resolve" to make the new year better than the last. And like most people, I set goals that are forgotten or neglected well before Punxsutawney Phil makes his yearly debut. This year, however, my goal is to NOT be like most people! My goal is to not make any new goals, but rather take those I have carried from year to year and finally make them happen! Now that I have shared this goal with the world, you can help hold me to it! So, here it is folks- my blog!

Special thanks, appreciation, and love to all those that helped me (and my business) grow in 2013. Cheers to all the goals and all the people that will make 2014 even better!