Blankets and Bottles and Bibs, Oh My! | Baby Shower Stories

If you know me, you know that (next to photography) I absolutely love planning and attending a good party! Two very special people will soon become first-time moms. My little sister, Christine, is expecting a baby boy in a few short weeks. My friend, Sarah, is expecting a little one (gender unknown!) at the beginning of October. Working on Christine's shower with my mom, sisters, and Christine's mother- and sister-in-law was so much fun! It was exhilarating to see all of our ideas come together so nicely. Seeing all the hard work that went into Sarah's shower (courtesy of her super creative and crafty mom and sisters!) was equally exciting and I couldn't resist photographing the events to share with you!

First up, Christine's shower! It was a fabulous day and Christine couldn't have been more beautiful!

Can you guess what the little man's name will be? ;)

Next up, Sarah's shower! Only one word comes to mind when I think of Sarah's shower… perfection. The food was beyond delicious, no detail was overlooked, and the adorable soon-to-be mommy was glowing!

Congratulations, Christine and Sarah! Looking forward to meeting your little bundles of joy very soon!